Siti Rahma Arbani S.Pd
Putri Ke Empat
Bapak D. Subakdi
Ibu Mamah Rohamah S.Pd


Hitung Mundur
Menuju Hari Bahagia
" Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya diciptakan-Nya untukmu pasangan hidup dari jenismu sendiri supaya kamu dapat ketenangan hati dan dijadikannya kasih sayang di antara kamu. Sesungguhnya yang demikian menjadi tanda-tanda kebesaran-Nya bagi orang-orang yang berpikir. "
- Q.S. Ar-Rum: 21 -
Waktu & Tempat
26 Februari 2022
08.30 WIB
s/d Selesai
26 Februari 2022
11.00 WIB
s/d Selesai
Bertempat Di
BTH Resto (Universitas Bakti Tunas Husada) Jl. Cilolohan No.36 Kota Tasikmalaya
Perjalanan yang tak terlupakan, dan perjalanan yang mengubah tujuan hidup kami
At that time we met in a recitation of young people in the community here, indeed he just lived here, moved from Salopa to come here for vocational school, he lives here with his sister. A few days later he asked for my cellphone number, I didn't give him at first but he insisted I finally gave him that's where the communication started hahaha
After a few years of our long distance relationship, I decided to ask him whether he was serious or not, he said he was serious, but there was no confirmation. Without me knowing it, a few weeks later he brought his parents home to make sure he would propose to me, so that some time later the application ceremony was also held, thank God, Allah gave it easy.
After a long journey from the beginning until the happy ending arrived, without realizing it was given ease of smoothness by Allah swt, establishing an LDR love story was not easy, and not always smooth, but thanks to prayers in a third of the night, finally he and I were united on the aisle, I was incredibly happy passed the LDR exam period !!! Ha ha ha
Do'a & ucapan
Kepada Kedua Mempelai
Merupakan suatu kehormatan dan kebahagiaan bagi kami, apabila Bapak/ Ibu/ Saudara/ i berkenan hadir, untuk memberikan do'a restu kepada kami.
26 Februari 2022
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